Sponsor Portal



Member Benefits

As they have in the past, STEPS+ Research Consortium Sponsors will continue to enjoy the benefits listed below and will further benefit from research in all the STEPS+ Research Centers. In addition, each Research Center will host a minimum of two members-only conferences per year (in addition to two annual STEPS+ symposia), offering “deep dive” access into the Center’s full research portfolio.

1. Customized Engagement Plan

At the beginning of each program year, and at the sponsor’s request, we coordinate a customized engagement plan with your organization’s key contacts to ensure maximum value from your contribution. We also check in periodically throughout the year to understand your most pressing research interests and needs, and we host periodic meetings with you to present and discuss our most recent research insights.

2. STEPS+ Research Symposia

Each year two invitation-only events are held on the latest research related to critical industry planning and government policy topics.

3. Job Fair

Meet and greet our students, the future experts in transportation and energy, and chat about their research during our Poster Session.

4. “Deep Dive” Workshop

Invitation-only deep-dive workshops Research Workshop.

5. Advisory Board Membership

Sponsors will designate a person as advisor member to both the umbrella organization STEPS+ and the focus STEPS+ program boards. The boards meet a minimum of once a year to receive an update on our latest research and advise our leadership on the program’s research and direction.

6. Early access to Briefings, Reports and Webinars

Researchers produce publications, and issue working papers and reports over the course of the program. Sponsors get preliminary access to our research before it is published and receive emailed research briefings, webinars, highlights of current research findings, events and upcoming activities.

7. Public Process Activities

Special public process events are periodically held, including briefings and webinars for policymakers, their staff, and the general public. STEPS+ Sponsors are encouraged to attend and participate in these events.

8. Focused Requests and Campus Visits

STEPS+ is pleased to accommodate special Sponsor requests for interaction on specific topics and to host visits that facilitate interactions related to these requests.

9. Internships, Extended Sponsor Visits, and Employment

STEPS+ is pleased to support student internships at Sponsor locations, host extended visits by Sponsors at ITS-Davis, send research leaders to visit Sponsors, and help prepare STEPS+ students for careers with our Sponsor and partner organizations.

10. Sponsor Portal in our website

Sponsors get full password protected access to materials of conferences and workshops.