About Us

The 3 Revolutions Future Mobility Program Investigates:

  • Impacts of shared mobility, electrification and vehicle automation on vehicle ownership and travel behavior;
  • Implications of new innovations, practices and policies on the willingness to share rides and/or give up car ownership;
  • Potential impacts of new technologies on vehicle miles traveled (VMT), GHG and criteria pollutant emissions;
  • Differences in embracing new travel and vehicle ownership behaviors across socio-economic and demographic groups;
  • Relationships between autonomous vehicles and residential location, urban form, and the evolution of cities;
  • Impacts of the adoption of e-commerce and reorganization of goods distribution.


A two-pronged strategy

The newly-established 3 Revolutions Future Mobility Program includes a two-part strategy to build strong capabilities in rigorous research and policy outreach and engagement. These two complimentary efforts will address key challenges facing government and industry decision makers, including vehicle use, traffic congestion, air pollution, energy use, and the equity gap between mobility haves and have-nots. 

Research activities of the 3 Revolutions Future Mobility Program include:

  • Data collection and analysis of behavioral and attitudinal data on shared mobility, the adoption of electric vehicles and of connected and automated vehicles;
  • Forecasting and simulation models to predict impacts on activity participation, travel patterns, vehicle ownership, and vehicle miles traveled;
  • Behavioral experiments to understand the impacts of the adoption of new transportation technologies, under varying conditions;
  • Policy analysis and simulation of future transportation scenarios; and
  • Analysis of environmental, economic and equity impacts of emerging transportation trends and evolving lifestyles.

The 3 Revolutions Policy Initiative Conducts Outreach, Engagement and Education:

The 3 Revolutions Policy Initiative supports policy design, evaluation, and engagement initiatives for local, regional, state and federal agencies, NGOs and industry partners. The following are the strategic objectives and core activities of the 3 Revolutions Policy Initiative:

  • Leveraging the role of ITS-Davis as a respected academic institution and convener, as well as the Institute’s close proximity to Sacramento/Bay Area, 3Revs is uniquely qualified to bring local, state, regional, national and international stakeholders to the table to identify opportunities for leadership from California, other U.S states and international partners.
  • Materials to educate stakeholders will focus primarily on providing the type of guidance and resource that match the needs of convened stakeholders. These materials will both research findings and voices of convened stakeholders, including policy briefs and white papers that will assist the network in better understanding the impacts of technological innovations, quantifying tradeoffs and identifying best practices.
  • Public outreach and media coverage is fundamental to the success of the program and ensures that the research materials will not sit on a shelf. Outreach efforts will include robust communications and strategic partnerships with existing outreach organizations to disseminate materials to a wider audience. We will maintain the 3Rev.UCDavis.edu platform as a go-to resource for stakeholders and will build a presence through Op-eds, blogs, and contributions on social media.