Tho V Le, Ph.D.

tho van le pic

Position Title
Postdoctoral Researcher


Tho Le was a postdoctoral scholar in the 3 Revolutions Future Mobility Program at the University of California, Davis’s Institute of Transportation Studies. Tho got a Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering and a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University, USA. Tho also earned a Master’s degree in Transportation Planning and Engineering from Hiroshima University, Japan and a Bachelor’s degree in Transportation Engineering from University of Transport and Communications, Vietnam.

Tho has been working on several topics including the adoption and impacts of connected and autonomous vehicles, travel behavior, demand modeling, survey design and implementation, freight transport and logistics, traffic safety, and transportation management.

Tho has experiences in research, consulting, engineering, and project management in areas that intersect his diverse background in transportation engineering and operations research.


Research interests:

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

Electric Vehicles

Future Mobility and Emerging Transportation Services

(Big)Data-Driven for Transportation Planning

Data Mining/Machine Learning

Travel Behavior

Demand Modeling

Transportation Systems

Freight Transport and Logistics Modeling

Traffic Safety