Three Revolutions - US Green Chamber of Commerce

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Three Revolutions - US Green Chamber of Commerce

Three Revolutions

US Green Chamber of Commerce featuring Daniel Sperling and Michelle Thatcher

Join us on our Global Sustainability Leaders series as we go beyond the basics of sustainable transportation and take a closer look at three major innovations-- electrification, pooling and Automation with Dr. Daniel Sperling, one of the world’s foremost leading experts.

  • Learn what the average business owner needs to know about these THREE REVOLUTIONS that will affect your profits, your employees and your business practices as a whole.
  • Learn more about the role of transit and land use.
  • Learn what would happen if everyone has an automated vehicle.
  • Navigate the push and pull of Regulations. It plays a huge role, including safety on automation—and also plays a role in both ride sharing and electrification as well.
  • Learn the #1 reason Electric Vehicles are a NEW revolution • Learn the unbelievably low price of automation. What can it really take to run your vehicle. How much more can you utilize a vehicle?
  • Get a quick list of what each of us can do to both promote and get ready for the THREE REVOLUTIONS!
  • And so much more!

In this podcast, your host, Michelle Thatcher, will take you on a short journey with Dr. Daniel Sperling to better understand the direction we SHOULD be going with transportation. If we don’t take action however, we may just end up in more traffic, and with more pollution. Sperling gives us hope and a clear direction of a path forward.

…Listen to the full story from the U.S. Green Chamber